Theme for 2025: Migration
The James Smithson Fellowship for 2025 invites applications for the theme of “Migration," which could encompass everything from the movement of monarch butterflies to the diaspora of humans across time and space. Migration has been central in our evolutionary dynamics, population genetics, and ecosystems. It also has deep significance as it profoundly impacts cultural identity and expression, reshaping communities and altering cultural narratives and artistic practices that foster new forms of creativity. Taken together these transformative processes create a rich tapestry of diverse experiences and influences that illustrate how migration shapes both our natural world and our cultural landscapes.
Applicants are encouraged to use migration as a lens to explore a wide range of fields from art, history, culture to science, considering its impact on everything from identities to ecosystems.
Eligibility: Postdoctoral researchers in the fields of science, the humanities, and the arts. Candidates must be U.S. citizens and not more than five years beyond receipt of their doctorate degree. Candidates with terminal professional degrees are also eligible to apply.
Term: 12 months (primarily in-residence), beginning during the month of September 2025.
Stipend: $62,000, and $5,000 in research allowance. In addition to this base stipend, allowances may also be provided to help cover relocation, and health insurance.
How It Works:
The James Smithson Fellowship Program is open to postdoctoral researchers in the fields of science, the humanities, and the arts. Applicants submit proposals to pursue independent research that makes use of Smithsonian experts, facilities, and/or collections.
As part of their proposal, applicants must identify a Smithsonian expert listed in the Smithsonian Opportunities for Research and Study guide to serve as their research advisor during the fellowship. Before submitting their applications, applicants should contact a prospective research advisor to verify that the Smithsonian expert they have identified is a good fit for their proposed research project, and available to serve as a research advisor during the proposed fellowship tenure.
In addition to the opportunity to conduct independent research, those who accept awards under the James Smithson Fellowship Program form the James Smithson Fellow Cohort during their time at the Smithsonian. As members of this cohort, James Smithson Fellows are obliged to participate in a series of activities (i.e. conferences, meetings, presentations, etc.) designed to enrich their fellowship experience.
Though absences from cohort activities can be excused by the Office Academic Appointments and Internships under extenuating circumstances, full participation in cohort activities is generally required as a condition of being a part of the James Smithson Fellowship Program.
During the James Smithson Fellowship experience, empirical research is approached synergistically to inspire new ways of thinking and creating that resonate across fields —reflecting the Smithsonian’s mission to expand the boundaries of knowledge and understanding.
How to Apply:
The James Smithson Fellowship Program is offered in odd numbered years.; All applications must be submitted through the Smithsonian Online Academic Appointment System (SOLAA)
Each application must include:
- Candidate Statement: A summary of background and expertise; practical interests related to an area of study; career objectives and how the fellowship may support those goal (no more than two pages).
- Abstract: An abstract of the proposed research (no more than one page, double spaced).
- Research Proposal: No more than 6 pages, double spaced (excluding all other parts of the application, such as the abstract and bibliography but including images, table etc.). Paper size should be 8.5 by 11 inches (210 mm x 297 mm), with 1" margins, and do not use type smaller than 11 point font.
In preparing your proposal, be sure to include the following:- A description of the research and methodology you plan to undertake at the Smithsonian Institution.
- A description of how your research will potentially inform public policy.
- Address the importance of the research, both in relation to the broader discipline and to your scholarly goals.
- A justification for conducting your research at the Smithsonian and for utilizing its research facilities and resources.
- Identify the Smithsonian research staff who will serve as your principal advisor. Identification of a Smithsonian advisor is a requirement. You are strongly encouraged to correspond with your advisor in preparing your proposal.
- Timetable: Please provide an estimated timeline for each phase of the proposed research for the entire fellowship period.
- Budget and Justification: Budget and justification for equipment, supplies, research-related travel costs, and other support required to conduct the research itself. This excludes stipend and relocation costs. You are encouraged to discuss potential research costs with your advisor before submitting your application. If the funds you require exceed the maximum research allowance of $5,000, please explain the source of the additional funds.
- Bibliography: Bibliography of literature relevant to the applicant’s proposed research (no more than two pages).
- Curriculum vitae: Current curriculum vitae that highlights education, expertise, achievements and honors, and publications. Should include a description of your research interests (not to exceed five pages). Also, if English is not your native language, describe your proficiency level in reading, speaking, and writing in English.
- Transcripts: Transcripts from terminal degree institution(s) are required. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable.
- References: You will need the name and email address of two non-Smithsonian persons familiar with your research. These references will be asked to submit a confidential letter of recommendation online.
- Encourage your references to submit their letters by the application deadline.
- Please provide a copy of your proposal and a copy of the Letter to Reference (downloadable PDF) to each of your references. Each applicant is responsible for ensuring that all letters from references are submitted by the deadline. Applications with fewer than two letters of recommendation may not be considered.
Selection Criteria:
Please note above the current theme for the James Smithson Fellowship program.
Applications will be evaluated by Smithsonian scholars in appropriate fields. Candidates are evaluated on the following criteria:
- The degree to which the proposed research is innovative and relates to the theme;
- How the proposal addresses the potential for public policy;
- The applicant’s ability to carry out the proposed research and study;
- The likelihood that the research can be completed in the requested time;
- The extent to which the Smithsonian, through its research staff members and resources, can contribute to the proposed research and the applicant’s interests;
- How closely the applicant’s career aspirations relate to the opportunity;
- Candidate’s potential for leadership as evidenced by past performance;
- The quality of the candidate’s academic record.
Only applicants who have identified a research advisor will be reviewed for this Fellowship.
Deadline: February 15, 2025, 5:00 pm EST
The Smithsonian Institution does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability, genetic information, parental status, or military service.
No employee or contractor of the Smithsonian Institution may hold a Smithsonian fellowship during the time of his/her employment or contract, nor may an award be offered to former employees or contractors of the Smithsonian Institution must have a year of separation before applying for a fellowship, without the prior approval of the Office of Academic Appointments and Internships.