Fellowships in Museum Practice (FMP)


Applications for the program are considered throughout the year; however, solicitations for the FMP program are reviewed beginning May 1 for the following academic year. 

The Smithsonian Fellowships in Museum Practice (FMP) program has awarded fellowships to professionals and scholars since 1993. We at the Smithsonian Office of Educational Technology (OET) are constant in our search for dedicated, forward-thinking individuals with outstanding expertise in the areas of museum education; education technology; and cultural heritage institutions and their use of digital technologies to further their missions, connect with audiences, and create new opportunities for formal and informal learning. Fellows will be expected to take advantage of their proximity to Smithsonian collections, platforms, and experts while advancing their particular field of research.

We expect our fellows to be mid to late-career academics, educators, or cultural heritage practitioners, whose research or practice centers on the empowerment of students, teachers, and lifelong learners to access, integrate, and add to the value of museum digital collections. Fellows will continue to promote the exchange of knowledge in their field, and the results of their research should help to increase the Smithsonian's impact as a national educational organization.

Smithsonian Fellowships in Museum Practice are generously supported by the Smithsonian Women's Committee.


Mid-career practitioners who empower students, teachers, and lifelong learners to access, integrate, and add to the Smithsonian's digital collection of assets.


Up to 6 months.


Most fellowships include a $4,000 monthly stipend plus round-trip travel expenses between the recipient's home and Washington, D.C.

Notification Date

Notification of decisions will be within eight weeks from proposal submission.


Darren Milligan


600 Maryland Ave. SW

Suite 105W

Washington DC, 20024

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