Fulbright-Smithsonian Awards

Foreign Fulbright Scholars

The Smithsonian welcomes Fulbright Scholars from around the world to come to our facilities, engage with our colleagues, and conduct research of their own. Foreign Fulbright Commissions and Embassies conduct the application process and selection, but Foreign Scholars should engage with us to discover the unlimited possibilities for research and study.

Is coming to the Smithsonian the right opportunity for you? A great place to start is with our Smithsonian Opportunities for Research and Study Guide. This document, updated annually, gives a snapshot into the scholarship conducted by Smithsonian employees. Search for anything from “aeronautics” to “weaving” and see who on our staff works in your area of interest.

If you’re an Irish or British citizen, be sure to check out the awards offered by those Commissions where Smithsonian is a named destination:

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Professional Affiliation

The Smithsonian is proud to host Humphrey Fellows for their Professional Affiliation. With expertise in public education, informal and cross-generational education, curriculum development and digital learning the Smithsonian has many opportunities for Humphrey Fellows in the Education program field. Similarly, with significant programs in natural resources and climate change throughout the world, not just the United States, the Smithsonian could be a good match for Fellows in the Sustainable Development program field. Many more opportunities are possible, contact us if you are considering a Professional Affiliation with us!


Smithsonian Staff Fulbright Opportunities

Many Smithsonian staff are Fulbright Alumni. Think you missed your chance? Fulbright has several programs aimed at early, mid and senior level professionals to engage in research and professional opportunities abroad.

U.S. Fulbright Scholars

The U.S. Fulbright Scholar program supports teaching and research opportunities in 125 countries around the world. Grants are awarded for projects with a duration of two to twelve months. For more information, find the details on their site.

U.S. Fulbright Specialists

Interested in a Fulbright, but unable to spend at least two months away? Or do you have more professional experience than research experience? There’s an opportunity for you as well with the Fulbright Specialist Program. This program connects U.S. professionals with foreign entities that are looking for specific skills, knowledge, or guidance. Opportunities are two- to six-weeks and the effort to sign up is minimal. Once you’re on the Specialist Roster, possible projects that align with your skill set will be proposed by host institutions around the globe. For more information, find the details on their site.


For more information about any of these programs and how to find your Fulbright opportunity at the Smithsonian, please contact us at fulbright@si.edu or FellowsSI@si.edu.


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