Climate change, pollution, biodiversity loss, and other environmental challenges affect everyone, but their impacts are often most severe for the most vulnerable populations. These include historically underserved and marginalized communities, where environmental issues intersect with social and health disparities. Addressing these challenges requires raising awareness, supporting community-led solutions, and empowering individuals to drive meaningful change.
As the world’s largest museum, education, and research complex — with 21 museums, the National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute, numerous science and cultural research centers, and projects spanning the U.S. and the globe — the Smithsonian Institution is uniquely positioned to bring together diverse perspectives and resources to address these pressing issues. The newly launched Center for Environmental Justice at the Anacostia Community Museum is one example of the Smithsonian’s commitment to fostering connections between communities and the environment.
Given the complexity of the challenges ahead, the Smithsonian seeks to convene diverse voices, especially those from the communities most affected, to identify and inform solutions. These solutions must integrate science, art, history, and culture to effectively address the intertwined relationship between people and the natural world.
Through the People and Nature Fellowship, the Smithsonian supports up to five fellows conducting independent research that explores how communities and nature can thrive together. Fellows will have access to the Smithsonian’s unparalleled resources, including researchers, collections, exhibits, and data sets, to advance understanding and create innovative solutions for environmental challenges.
Fellows will be hosted by a Smithsonian museum or research center, with opportunities to collaborate across institutions by identifying a secondary advisor from another Smithsonian unit.
Potential Research Themes Include:
- Examining the intersection of environmental challenges and community well-being
- Exploring community-driven outcomes in research and conservation
- Investigating pollution impacts and pathways to sustainable development
This fellowship reflects the Smithsonian’s dedication to fostering a healthier and more sustainable future by connecting people and nature in ways that inspire and empower change.
Deadline: October 15, 2024.
Notification Date: Spring 2025
Term: 24 months (mostly in residence)
Stipend: Recipients will receive a stipend of $62,000 per year. Stipends are prorated for periods of less than 24 months. A maximum research allowance up to $10,000 is available for the fellowship period.
Minimum: Completed at least one semester of a master's degree program or completed a master's degree program. Additionally, relevant research and community-based engagement is preferred.
How to Apply
Apply Through the Smithsonian Online Academic Appointment System (SOLAA). Select "Start Your Application" and only enter the program name.
Application Materials
The SOLAA application will allow you to upload the following files types (there is a 3MB limit and only the following types of documents are supported: .bmp, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .pdf, .png, .rtf, .tif, .tiff, .txt, .xls, and .xlsx):
Applicants are encouraged to propose to conduct research in-residence at the Smithsonian based on the themes listed in either the Smithsonian Climate Change Fellowship or Smithsonian People and Nature Fellowship. Your proposal should include the following components:
Abstract: Abstract of the proposed research, not more than one page double spaced.
Research Proposal: No more than 1500 words, double spaced with a maximum of 6 pages. (Excluding all other parts of the application, such as the abstract and bibliography). Paper size should be 8.5 by 11 inches (210 mm x 297 mm), do not use type smaller than 12-point font.
In preparing your proposal, be sure to provide and address the following:
- A description of the research you plan to undertake, including the methodology to be utilized.
- The importance of the work, both in relation to the broader discipline and to your own scholarly goals.
- Justification for conducting your research at the Smithsonian and utilization of Smithsonian collections and resources.
- Identification of the member of the Smithsonian’s research staff who might serve as your principal advisor/host. Also identify potential co-advisor(s) and/or consultant(s) if applicable. The publication, Smithsonian Opportunities for Research and Study (SORS), contains the necessary information on staff research specialties and current departmental interests to help you determine which staff members are best suited to your research needs. Research staff may be named by applicants to serve as principal advisors, co-advisors or consultants. Affiliated research staff may be named as co-advisors or consultants if they will be in residence during at least a portion of the tenure period proposed. You are strongly encouraged to correspond with your proposed advisor(s) as you prepare your proposal.
Timeline: Estimate of time period for each phase of the research proposed for the full time period (regardless of one or two years).
Diversity Statement:
- Please address - How your perspective, experience, and/or project contribute to a more inclusive, diverse, and equitable discipline.
- No more than one (1) page, double spaced.
- This needs to be uploaded for the application material name “Other” in SOLAA.
Budget and justification: Budget and justification for equipment, supplies, research-related travel costs, and other support required to conduct the research itself (excluding stipend and relocation costs). You are encouraged to discuss potential research costs with your proposed advisor(s) before submitting your application. If the funds required to support the research exceed the maximum research allowance of $10,000, please explain the source of additional funds.
Bibliography: Bibliography of literature relevant to the applicant’s proposed research.
Curriculum vitae: Curriculum vitae, including previous and current fellowships, grants, and/or awards, and a description of your research interests. Also, if English is not your native language, describe the level of your proficiency in reading, conversing, and writing in English.
Transcripts (unofficial are acceptable): Applicants for postdoctoral fellowships need only submit graduate transcripts. If transcripts or other materials are not in English, the applicant should provide translations.
References: You will need the names and email addresses of two persons familiar with your work. Please note that all reference letters are considered confidential unless confidentiality has been specifically waived by the referee. Do not list Smithsonian staff members as your referees; they will have the opportunity to review your application after it is submitted. Please provide a copy of your proposal and a copy of Letter to Referee (downloadable pdf) to your referees. Please be sure reference letters are submitted by the application deadline.
- Through SOLAA you will send an email from the system to these referees so they can provide references through the SOLAA system. Please note: referees will not be able to view your application and you may send the request any time prior to submission. They will still be able to submit their reference before or after you submit your application.
- Referees are encouraged to submit references no later than the application due date. However, references can be submitted after the deadline but there is no guarantee it will be included once the review process begins.
- Applicants can check their SOLAA application to determine if letters of recommendation have been submitted or not. Applicants are encouraged to follow-up with referees who have not yet submitted.
Contact: Office of Academic Appointments and Internships with questions or for more information. E-mail:
The Smithsonian Fellowship Program does not discriminate on grounds of race, creed, sex, age, marital status, condition of handicap, or national origin of any applicant. No employee or contractor of the Smithsonian Institution may hold a Smithsonian fellowship during the time of his/her employment or contract, nor may an award be offered to any person who has been employed by or under contract to the Institution in the previous year, without the prior approval of the Office of Academic Appointments and Internships.