Botany Travel Awards: Cuatrecasas / Funk / Robinson / Smith Fellowship Program
January 15, 2025
The NMNH Department of Botany Travel Awards are presented annually to support the study of collections in the United States National Herbarium. Preference is given to students working on tropical plants.
Those interested in being considered for these awards are asked to submit a curriculum vitae, a short proposal, and a letter of support. The call for applications is typically made in the fall, with application materials due in the winter, and recipients announced in early spring. Successful applicants are expected to visit the U.S. National Herbarium within a year of receiving an award
All applications must be submitted each year by January 15 through the Smithsonian Academic Appointment System (SOLAA) found at
Typically, about four awards are made, each with an allowance up to $5000.
For additional information, contact Pedro Acevedo, travel awards committee chair (