Engen Conservation Fellowship


February 15th, annually

The Engen fellowship will introduce the candidate to conservation techniques for a wide range of composite objects, metals, organic materials, and painted surfaces. This fellowship is intended to contribute to the education of recent graduates by allowing them to delve into the complexities of working with modern composite materials, refine treatment process, learn management, and conduct a small-scale research project. The Fellow's independent research will be derived from our diverse collection materials. Fellows will be encouraged to publish or present their research at the end of their tenure.


Applicants must have a Masters in Art Conservation.


One year with a second year renewal possibility.


$43,000 stipend

Notification Date

April 15th.


Lauren Horelick, HorelickL@si.edu

Malcolm Collum, CollumM@si.edu

14390 Air and Space Museum Pkwy MRC 326, Chantilly, VA 20151

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