Short-Term Fellowships


February 15, June 15 and October 15

The Short-Term Fellowship Program allows selected candidates to come to STRI at any time of the year and is an excellent resource to provide support for graduate students and introduce them to tropical research. Although focused primarily on graduate students, awards are occasionally given to undergraduate and postdoctoral candidates. These fellowships enable selected candidates to work in the tropics and explore research possibilities at STRI.


Graduate students, undergrads and postdocs.


Three months. Fellowships usually begin about two months after notification of acceptance.


Fellowships provide a modest stipend to cover living expenses while at STRI (currently $1,250/month, a total amount of $3,750 for stipend), a modest research allowance, NOT to exceed $2000; and a round-trip coach airfare. Partial awards are occasionally given depending on funding availability. Applicants are encouraged to seek additional sources of funding.


For more information email the STRI Fellowships Office:


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