Museum Website
Anthea Hartig, Director
Office of Public History; Division of Culture and the Arts; Division of Home and Community Life; Division of Political and Military History; Division of Medicine and Science; Division of Work and Industry; Collections and Preservation Services; Archives Center; Digital Programs; Lemelson Center of Invention and Innovation; Smithsonian Libraries and Archives (SLA) at NMAH
Our Mission: Empowering people to create a just and compassionate future by exploring, preserving, and sharing the complexity of our past.
The National Museum of American History is home to more than 1.8 million objects and more than three shelf-miles of archival collections. Our object and archival collections comprise the largest repository American history in the world. On behalf of the nation, we preserve and share this extraordinary national collection. We accomplish this through our many museum teams.
- Our curatorial and collections team focuses on history through the lenses of culture and the arts, home and community life, medicine and science, political history, military history, and work and industry.
- Our Archives Center includes a remarkable array of American history in historical documents, photographs, manuscripts, media, and other works. Areas of specialization including major holdings on the histories of American advertising, invention and innovation, food, and music.
- Our conservation team supports long-term collections preservation and access by managing programs in conservation treatment, documentation, and research; providing preservation training and guidance on collections care; partnering with the Office of Facilities Engineering and Operations to monitor environmental conditions, and managing collections disaster response.
- The Jerome and Dorothy Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation undertakes historical research, develops educational initiatives, creates exhibitions, and hosts public programming to advance new perspectives on invention and innovation and to foster interactions between the public and inventors.
- NMAH also houses a notable research library as well as the Dibner Library of the History of Science and Technology, which holds impressive collections of rare history of science texts in addition to World’s Fair materials.
At NMAH, we primarily host research opportunities through our own fellowship experiences ( as well as through the Smithsonian’s central fellowship programs ( Fellows are typically hosted within our Office of Public History and are working on their own theses, dissertations, or other academic writings, as well as professional and creative writings, documentaries, and more. Researchers, scholars, and community knowledge holders are encouraged to apply for these fellows, through which fellows can utilize our collections, research, and expertise for their independent research opportunities. Additionally, if you’re interested in professional learning experiences rather than self-directed research, NMAH hosts internships in a variety of fields ( within curatorial affairs as well as other aspects of museum work.
Office of Public History
Affiliated Research Staff
Filene, Benjamin. Deputy Director of Public History
Lilienfeld, Bonnie, Assistant Director for Curatorial Affairs. B.A. (1984) University of Chicago. Research specialties: Ceramics made, used, and marketed in the U.S. with an emphasis on late 19th and early 20th century; 20th-century public transportation (America on the Move exhibition); History of the Bracero program (1942-64).
Gorman, Joshua. Acting Assistant Director of the Office of Collections.
Berger, Sherri. Acting Assistant Director, Digital Access and Archives.
Curatorial and Collections
Curatorial Affairs
Division of Culture and the Arts
The Division of Culture and the Arts dedicates itself to educating and inspiring its audiences by preserving and presenting their heritage. The division carries out its mission through collections, research, exhibitions, publications, teaching and lectures, performances, broadcasts, and other presentations. The areas of focus for collections and programs are: music, dance, theater, film, broadcast media, sports, recreation, popular culture, home life, gender identity, life cycles, lifestyles and family structure, work, patterns of domestic production and consumption, standards of cleanliness and health, diverse forms of housing, modernization and the role of technology, invention, leisure, community institutions, religion, and education.
Our collections represent the daily life of America’s diverse population from the 17th to the 21st century. The areas of focus for some collections and programs are music, dance, theater, film, broadcast media, sports, recreation, popular culture, photographic history, printing and the graphic arts. Additional subjects explored include home furnishings, food, clothing, domestic production, religion, community organizations, and patterns of migration and immigration. Childhood and the development of leisure time are examined, along with the roles technology and invention play in home and community life. The examination of these themes leads to a greater understanding of the American experience. The collections include ceramics and glass, textiles, domestic life, and costume, as well as the ethnic, education and religion collections.
Research Staff
Gonzalves, Theodore. Curator. B.S. (1990) Santa Clara University; M.A. (1993) San Francisco State University; Ph.D. (2001) University of California, Irvine. Research specialties: Comparative Cultural Studies, Asian Pacific American History, Culture and the Performing Art. Contact:
Jentsch, Eric. Team Leader, Curator. B.A. (1993) St. Louis University; M.A. (1996) George Washington University. Research specialties: Sports and popular culture, History of Entertainment. Contact:
Klingenberg, Krystal. Curator. B.A. (2006) Princeton University; M.A. (2015) Harvard University; Ph.D. (2019) Harvard University. Research specialties: Global Black Popular Musics, African American Music, Music of Africa, Music of Uganda, Diaspora, Globalization, Digital Media. Contact:
Labode, Modupe. Curator. B.A. (1988) Iowa State University; Ph.D. (1992) Oxford University. Research specialties: African American social justice history; public history; monuments and memorials. Contact:
Lintelman, Ryan. Curator. B.A. (2009) College of William & Mary; M.A. (2015) George Mason University. Research specialties: History of American Entertainment, Public History, History of Museums. Contact:
Manseau, Peter. Curator, Center for the Understanding of Religion in American History. B.A. University of Massachusetts; M.A. Georgetown University; Ph.D. Georgetown University. Research specialties: American religious diversity, Relics and material culture of religious traditions, American Yiddish literature, Roman Catholicism in the United States, Science and religion, Religion and media. Contact:
Ruffins, Fath Davis. Curator. B.A. (1976) Radcliffe College; A.B.D. (1976-79) Harvard University. Research specialties: African American history and culture; racial construction and ethnic identity; museum studies, historic preservation, exhibition development public history. Contact:
Sanefuji, Noriko. Museum Specialist. B.A (1999) Randolph Macon Women’s College. Research specialties: Asian Pacific American History and Japanese Americans and World War II. Contact:
Troutman, John. Acting Chair, Curator. B.A. (1995) Emory University; M.A. (1997) The University of Arizona; Ph.D. (2004) The University of Texas at Austin. Research specialties: History of Popular and Vernacular Music in the United States, History of Acoustic, Electric, and Hawaiian (Steel) Guitars, U.S. Popular Culture, Native American and Indigenous Studies. Contact:
Affiliated Research Staff
Winkle, Timothy. Curator. B.A. (1995) College of William & Mary; M.A. Popular Culture Studies (1998) Bowling Green State University; M.A. Museum Studies (2002) University College London. Research specialties: History of American firefighting, Fraternal history, Community organizations, History and development of early American museums. Contact:
Division of Home and Community Life
The Division of Home and Community Life cares for, researches, and develops collections that represent the daily life of America’s diverse population from the 17th to the 21st century. Subjects explored include home furnishings, food, clothing, domestic production, religion, community organizations, and patterns of migration and immigration. Childhood and the development of leisure time are examined, along with the roles technology and invention play in home and community life. The examination of these themes leads to a greater understanding of the American experience. The collections include ceramics and glass, textiles, domestic life, and costume, as well as the ethnic, education and religion collections of the former Division of Community Life. The staff shares its research and collections with the public through exhibitions, publications, lectures, and behind-the-scenes tours of its storage areas.
Research Staff
Salazar-Porzio, Margaret, Curator. B.A., (2005) California State University of Los Angeles, M.A. (2008) and Ph.D. (2010), University of Southern California, American Studies and Ethnicity. Research specialties: U.S. Chicana/o and Latina/o History; Immigration and transnational history of the U.S.-Mexico Border Region and the Pacific Rim; Asian American Studies; Comparative Race Relations in the 20th-Century U.S.; Media Studies with an emphasis on Television, Photography, and New Media; Visual and Material Culture of Latinas/os in the U.S.; Civil Rights and Human Rights Law; Women’s and Gender Studies. Contact:
Schaefer-Jacobs, Debbie. Curator. B.A. (1972) University of Rhode Island; M.A. (1977) M.A. Texas Tech University. Research specialties: History of American education, Educational toys and Childhood games, 19th century American prints, Visual studies and American material culture, Collection documentation, digitization, and classification of artifacts of the home. Contact:
Velasquez, Steve, Curator. B.A. (1994) University of Missouri; M.A. (1997) George Washington University. Research specialties: Latino identity and material culture, Latin American material culture; Latin American archaeology, Post Classic (Aztec) ceramics from Central Mexico. Contact:
Division of Military and Society
The Division of Military and Society collects, studies, and cares for the material culture of the nation’s military.
The military history team collects the material culture of the American military experience from the French and Indian War to the contemporary War on Terrorism. Notable elements of the museum’s military collections include the Japanese American internment experience during WWII, and the September 11 attacks on the United States, women’s military history, and firearms technology. Collectively, the team works uses the materials and interprets these in relation to the country's social and cultural history. The division's collections, exhibitions, public programs, research, and writing put America's armed forces into historical context.
Uniforms, Accoutrements, and Insignia These collections contain uniforms, accoutrements, and insignia from the U.S. Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Army Air Corps, and Coast Guard. Uniform collections include such objects as: headgear, footwear, buttons, belts, field equipment, rations, and personal effects. Smaller sub-collections within this subject include U.S. women’s uniforms, foreign uniforms, and ancillary service uniforms. Accoutrement collections include: holsters, slings, scabbards, bandoliers, and ammunition pouches and 500 pieces of horse equipment, mainly saddles. Insignia collections include: badges of rank, decorations, awards, and trophies.
Flags The collections contain US national flags including the Star-Spangled Banner and U.S. Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Army Air Corps, and Coast Guard related flags. There is also a discrete foreign flag collection.
Firearms and Ordnance This collection contains military and sporting long arms, military and civilian handguns, submachine guns, machine pistols, machine guns, grenade launchers, military and naval cannon, artillery and small arm ammunition, artillery and small arm accessories (ramrods, cleaning rods, and powder flasks) and edged weapons (swords, knives, and presentation pieces) and pole arms.
Arts and Graphics These collections contain paintings, illustrations, posters (broadsides), and prints ranging from the 19th century to modern day. They cover a range of topics including battle scenes, recruitment drives, portraits, and depictions of uniforms. A majority of the collection deals with World War I military art.
Gunboat “Philadelphia” A warship used by the Continental forces under General Benedict Arnold in the battle of Valcour Island on Lake Champlain in 1776. The ship was burned and sunk in the battle and raised in 1935. It came to the Smithsonian in 1960.
Japanese American Internment This collection explored a period when racial prejudice and fear upset the delicate balance between the rights of the citizen and the power of the state. The 200 plus objects tell the story of Japanese Americans before, during, and after their internment between the years 1942-1945.
September 11th Collection The division houses the bulk, but not all, of the Museum’s collections that relate to the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States. In December 2001, the U.S. Congress made it the responsibility of the National Museum of American History to collect and preserve artifacts relating to the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the Flight 93 Pennsylvania crash. The collection contains materials from all three sites.
Research Staff
Bercaw, Nancy. Curator. B.A. (1982) History, Oberlin College; M.A. (1987) American Civilization, University of Pennsylvania; Ph.D. (1996) American Civilization, University of Pennsylvania. Research specialties: slavery and emancipation; 19th century U.S.; liberatory movements, Restorative History, undocumented political organizing, public history/public memory. Contact:
Blazich, Frank. Curator. B.A. (2004) University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; M.A. (2008) North Carolina State University, Raleigh; Ph.D. (2013) The Ohio State University, Columbus. Research specialties: Twentieth century U.S. military history, notably myth and public memory; Pacific War and Vietnam War prisoners of war; American home front organizations; civil defense and fallout shelter policies. Contact:
Graddy, Lisa Kathleen. Curator. B.A. (1985) University of Maryland; M.A. (1987) Texas Tech University. Research specialties: Women’s Political History; U.S. Political History; First Ladies Collection. Contact:
Grinspan, Jon. Curator. B.A. (Date) University; M.A. (Date) University; Ph.D. (Date) University. Research specialties: research specialty 1, research specialty 2, etc. Contact: SI email
Jerry, Claire. Curator. B.A. (1979) Butler University; M.A. (1982) Miami University; M.A. (2012) University of Illinois Springfield; Ph.D. (1987) University of Kansas. Research specialties: U.S. political history and campaign communication, U.S. women’s history, history of public address, public history and public memory. Contact:
Jones, Jennifer Locke. Curator. B.A. (1985) George Washington University. Research specialties: Twentieth-century U.S. military history, Japanese Americans and World War II; World War II homefront; Vietnam Memorial and Vietnam war; U.S. National flags. Contact:
Labode, Modupe. Curator. B.A. (1988) Iowa State University; Ph.D. (1992) Oxford University. Research specialties: African American social justice history; public history; monuments and memorials. Contact:
Méndez, Verónica A. Curator. B.A. (2008) University of Texas at San Antonio; M.A. (2008/2010) University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Ph.D. (2021) University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Research specialties: Nineteenth-century Texas history, U.S.-Mexico borderlands history, race, gender and the law, Latin American history, social movements. Contact:
Rand, Harry. Senior Curator. B.A. (1969) City College of New York; M.A. (1971), Ph.D. (1974) Harvard University. Research specialties: Cultural assumptions in the material culture of fine arts of the twentieth-century in America and Europe; religion’s cultural expression in theology & sustainable architecture; the methodology of art history. Contact:
Rodriguez, Manuel R. Curator. Contact:
Affiliated Research Staff
Bemis, Bethanee. Museum Specialist. B.A. (2009) University of Maryland, Baltimore County; M.A. (2011) University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Research specialties: national symbols, political history collections, Disney theme parks, national narratives. Contact:
Hashim, Debra.
Miller, David. Curator. B.A. (1987), M.A. (1992) George Mason University. Research specialties: American War of Independence and Early National Period; firearms and edged weapons. Contact:
Murphy, Sara. Museum Specialist. B.A. (2000) Roanoke College. Research specialties: World War I and World War II Homefront, political history collections. Contact:
Division of Political History
The Division of Political History collects, studies, and cares for the material culture of American democracy.
The political history team gives particular attention to the political principles, practices, and institutions that have shaped the political culture of the United States. It focuses on political relationships between groups and interests; institutions of government; and changing practices of representative and participatory democracy in a nation of diverse people and cultures. The team is especially interested in changing definitions of citizenship and political rights; contested political ideologies; governmental policies and their impact; the role of political parties; elections; protest and reform movements; varied and changing expressions of nationalism; predictive opinion and media effects; and traditional political techniques and forms of communication.
Political Campaign Collection The Political Campaign Collection is the largest holding of presidential campaign material in the United States and includes banners, signs, campaign ephemera, novelties, documents, photographs, voter registration material, ballots, and voting machines.
General Political History Collections The General Political History Collections includes personal and ceremonial objects associated with the presidency, White House, and first ladies; inaugural items; material associated with national political figures and events; home front and civil defense material; national symbols, and items related to government policies and organizations.
Reform Movements Collections The Reform Movements Collections includes material that documents women’s history and suffrage, civil rights, labor history, and groups and individuals that have organized and demonstrated around political, social, economic and international issues throughout American history.
Division of Medicine and Science
The Division of Medicine and Science acquires, preserves, studies, and interprets the material culture of the biological, medical, and physical sciences, and the fields of mathematics, computers, and information technology. Staff of the division collect, research, and disseminate information in the areas of the history of medicine and health, surgery, dentistry, pharmacy, psychology, disability, public health, biotechnology, biology, chemistry, computers, mathematics, physics, astronomy, meteorology, navigation, surveying, nuclear power, materials science, science education, and the environment. To check out our collections, please click here.
Biological Sciences Molecular biology and biotechnology instrumentation, special apparatus and instrumentation used for field and laboratory research and in classroom education, artifacts documenting the social and political history of biology, artifacts relating to the roles of women and minorities in science, and trade literature associated with these areas. The environmental history collection focuses on the material culture of the environmental movement and conservation.
Computers Include electronic computers and related electronic devices, software, records, and ephemera that document in material form the evolution of computers and their pervasive effects on modern American society.
Mathematics Include astrolabes, drawing instruments, slide rules, mechanical calculating machines, cryptographic instruments, geometric models, and other objects pertaining to mathematics and mathematics teaching, especially in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Medical Sciences Crude drugs, patent medicines, biological, drug manufacturing apparatus and containers, laboratory equipment, eyeglasses, cardiac and other surgical instruments, artificial organs, dental equipment, microscopes, radiology apparatus, diagnostic instruments, quack medical devices, and veterinary medicines and equipment. There are growing collections related to the history of disability, alternative or complementary medicine, molecular medicine and genetic engineering, and public health. These are supplemented by trade catalogs, posters, advertising literature, business records, and audio-visual manuscript materials.
Modern Physics Artifacts related to 20th-century physics, notably nuclear fission and its applications, subatomic particle accelerators and detectors, and atomic clocks.
Physical Sciences Include apparatus of astronomy, chemistry, classical physics, meteorology, navigation, and surveying. Of particular importance are instruments used to explore, survey, and analyze the North American continent; instruments used for science education in American schools; and research apparatus from academic, government, and industrial laboratories. Trade literature supplements the collection.
Research Staff
Frederick-Frost, Kristen. Curator. Contact:
Kidwell, Peggy Aldrich, Curator. B.A. (1971) Grinnell College; M.Phil (1974), Ph.D. (1979) Yale University. Research specialties: History of mathematical instruments and mathematics teaching. Contact:
Lord, Alexandra, Chair and Curator. A.B. (1987) Vassar College; Ph.D. (1995) University of Wisconsin, Madison. Research specialties: History of public health, sex education, the medicalization of suicide, urbanization, infectious disease, and public health. Contact:
Ott, Katherine, Curator. B.U.S. (1976) University of New Mexico; Ph.D. (1991) Temple University. Research specialties: History of the body, disability, ethnic and folk medicine, integrative and alternative medicine, ophthalmology, plastic surgery, dermatology, medical technology, prosthetics and rehabilitation, sexuality; visual and material culture, ephemera. Contact:
Stine, Jeffrey K., Curator. B.A. (1975), M.A. (1978), Ph.D. (1984) University of California, Santa Barbara. Research specialties: Environmental history; history of science and technology policy. Contact:
Warner, Deborah J., Curator. B.A. (1962) University of Chicago; M.A. (1963) Harvard University. Research specialties: History of scientific instruments; history of celestial cartography; women in science and technology. Contact:
Wendt, Diane. Curator. B.A. (1982) College of William and Mary. Research specialties: History of Pharmacy and Public Health: including materia medica, patent medicines, health and hygiene products, pharmaceutical manufacturing, and drug advertising. Contact:
Division of Work and Industry
The division brings together collections in the history of technology, transportation, work, business, communications, food, working class studies, energy, electricity, engineering, extractive industries (fishing, mining, etc.), agriculture, numismatics, and visual cultures. Researchers can find national treasures and the remnants of everyday lifeways activities. Curators are actively collecting in contemporary areas of interest spanning transportation, agriculture, automation, business, communications, energy production, food a, photography, prints, numismatics, and labor.
Agriculture and Natural Resources Collections These collections include agricultural machinery; food processing technology and food packaging containers; mining, especially coal mining; petroleum; fisheries including whaling.
Asian Pacific American Collection This collection is growing and currently includes textile trades, ranching, food and entrepreneurship, labor, im/migration, and refugee studies.
Business History Collections These collections include office machinery and accessories; franchise history materials; advertising and marketing objects and associated archival materials.
Graphic Arts Collection The printing and "Graphic Arts Collection" includes roughly 70,000 artifacts associated with the technology and production of textual and visual culture. The international printmaking collection includes examples of works on paper and tools for their production. The printing and typography collections include textual works on paper, also produced with various printing technologies, and tools for their production. Also included in the collection are smaller allied trade collections: papermaking, bookbinding, printing for the blind, illustration history.
Industrial History Collections These collections focus on machines for working metal and wood, and the industrial context that makes sense of those machines; process control devices; robotics; material related to industrial management, including images taken by Frank and Lilian Gilbreth for scientific management studies; miscellaneous industrial machinery and products.
Engineering History Collections These collections include prime movers, steam and gas engines and wind and water power devices, and many models and toys; extensive archival, model and photographic collections relating to civil engineering works, including bridges, tunnels, buildings and railroad rights-of-way.
Electricity These collections preserve and explore the history of electrical science and technology. Holdings include electrostatic devices; lamps, generators, meters and other power system components; communications technology such as telegraphy, telephony, magnetic recording, radio, and television; and masers, lasers, transistors and chips.
Extractive Industries These collections cover coal and mineral mining; the oil industry; fisheries, forestry, and human labor.
Food Technology The food technology collections include the wine and brewing industries; food production, restaurants and entrepreneurship.
Mechanisms Collections These collections comprise watches and clocks (European and American); mechanical phonographs; experimental phonograph records; and locks.
National Numismatics Collection The NNC is America's collection of monetary and transactional objects. This diverse and expansive global collection contains objects that represent every inhabited continent and span more than three thousand years of human history. The NNC is comprised of approximately 1.6 million objects including coins, paper money, medals, tokens, commodity and alternative currencies, coin dies, printing plates, scales and weights, financial documents and apparatuses, credit cards, and objects that reflect established and emerging digital monetary technologies. The collection and its library are a national treasure and a public resource for research and education. Both are housed at the National Museum of American History and are available for consultation in our study room by appointment. A portion of the collection is also on display in the museum's numismatic exhibition, titled The Value of Money, and is increasingly accessible through our online catalog. The NNC is a center for rigorous numismatic and historical research that strives to develop innovative approaches to preservation, digitization, and display.
Photographic History Collections The Photographic History Collection (PHC) represents the history of the medium of photography. The PHC holds the work of over 2000 identified photographers and studios, about 200,000 photographs, about 15,000 cameras, pieces of apparatus, studio equipment and sensitized materials. The scope of the collection spans from daguerreotypes to digital and includes unidentified to well-known photographers, international and United States-centered objects, and familiar and experimental photographic formats.
Transportation Collections These collections include road transportation -- automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles and animal-drawn vehicles; automobile accessories, highway and travel objects, and other road transportation objects. Also included are maritime collections of rigged and builders’ half-hull ship models; more than 7,000 ship design plans; large collections of photographs, scrimshaw, and marine paintings and prints. Finally, the collection includes railroad collections -- locomotive models and full-scale railroad cars and locomotives; Pullman Porter objects, and archival materials relating to rail transportation. Many of the earliest and most significant Smithsonian transportation artifacts are in the adjacent exhibitions America on the Move and On the Water.
Working Class History These collections include tools of various trades, uniforms, ID badges; and guest worker programs such as the Bracero program. Please note Labor Union collections reside in Political History.
Research Staff
Boudreau, Joan, Curator. B.A. (1978) Boston College Certificate of Accomplishment U.S.D.A. Graduate School, Natural Field Studies (1986). Research specialties: History of printmaking; history of printing; environmental history; government printmaking & the American West. Contact:
Feingold, Ellen, Curator of the National Numismatic Collection. B.A. (2005) University of Wisconsin-Madison; MSc. (2007) University of Oxford (St. Antony’s College); D. Phil (2012) University of Oxford (Merton College). Research specialties: Imperial and global history, with a focus on the history of the British Empire and process of decolonization; the history of money and monetary objects; counterfeiting and forgery; African history and culture; legal institutions and the administration of justice. Contact:
Franz, Kathleen, Curator. B.A. (1990) University of Texas at San Antonio; Ph.D. (1999) Brown University. Research specialties: Cultural history of business and technology in the United States from the 1870s to the 1950s. Contact:
Johnson, Paula J., Curator. B.A. (1976) Gustavus Adolphus College; M.A. (1981) University of Texas, Austin. Research specialties: American food and wine history; Chesapeake Bay maritime history and folklore; North American fisheries and fishing communities; boats and boatbuilding. Contact:
Johnston, Paul F., Curator. B.A. (1972) Middlebury College; Ph.D. (1981) University of Pennsylvania. Research specialties: Maritime history, marine art and nautical archaeology of the United States and worldwide; automobiles and motorcycles. Contact:
McCulla, Theresa, Curator. B.A. (2004) Harvard University; M.A. (2012) Harvard University; Ph.D. (2017) Harvard University. Research specialties: research specialty 1, research specialty 2, etc. Contact: McCullaT
Moniz, Amanda, Curator. B.A. (Date) Brown University; M.A. (Date) University of Michigan; Ph.D. (Date) University of Michigan. Research specialties: Early American history; American philanthropy, charity, humanitarianism, and reform; Atlantic world and British philanthropy.
Perich, Shannon Thomas, Curator. B.A. (1993), B.F.A. (1993) University of Arizona; M.A. (1996) George Washington University. Research specialties: History of photography, snapshot and vernacular photography, history of digital photography, Richard Avedon. Contact:
Perry, Tony, Curator. B.A. (Date) Bowdoin College; M.A. (Date) Perdue University; Ph.D. (Date) University of Maryland. Research specialties: Environmental History, History of Slavery, Mining and Extractive Industries. Contact:
Saha, Abeer, Curator. B.S. (2013) University of Virginia; M.A. (2017) University of Virginia; Ph.D. (2021) University of Virginia. Research specialties: Science and technology studies (STS), global environmental history, and the history of American capitalism and agriculture. Contact:
Stephens, Carlene, Curator. B.A. (1971) Muhlenberg College; M.A. (1976) University of Delaware. Research specialties: History of time in the United States. Contact:
Vong, Sam, Curator, B.A. University of California, Berkeley; MA California State University; Ph.D. Yale University. Research specialties: Asian Pacific American Studies, Refugee Studies, Fisheries and Working Class History, Contact:
Wallace, Harold, Curator. B.A. (1982), M.A. (1994), Ph.D. (in progress) University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Research specialties: Electric light and power; electrical communication technology; electrical science. Contact:
Young, Ashley Rose. Historian. B.A. (2010) Yale; M.A. Duke University (2013) Duke University; Ph.D. (2017) University. Research specialties: food history Contact:
Affiliated Staff
Gloede, Jennifer, Collections Manager, National Numismatics Collection. B.A. University of Maryland; M.A. George Washington University. Research specialties: numismatics Contact:
Oakman, Sarah, B.A. (Date) Juniata College; M.A. (Date) George Washington University. Research specialties: Collections Manager, Photographic History and Graphic Arts Collections.
Wiggins, Kelsey, Museum Specialist. B.A. (Date) American University; M.A. (Date) Leeds University; MA Museum Studies, George Washington University. Research specialties: Collections Management for Business History Collections Contact:>
Wright, Helena E., Curator. B.A. (1968) Bryn Mawr; M.L. Sc. (1975) Simmons College. Research specialties: Visual culture, including prints and photomechanical processes; history of print collecting; business history of American printmaking; women’s work in graphic arts trades. Contact:
York, Hillery, Museum Specialist. B.A. (Date) Grade Valley State University; M.A. (Date) George Washington University. Research specialties: Senior Collections Manager for Work & Industry Contact:
Office of Collections
Collections Management
Collections Management Services supports accountability and legal control of collections in the Museum’s custody by managing programs for acquisition and loans, providing object shipping and receiving services, and advising on legal and ethical issues related to the collections. The Collections Management team coordinates broad scale collections care interventions and plans for the long-term expansion and maintenance of preservation facilities.
Affiliated Research Staff
Gorman, Joshua. Head of Collections Management; Chief Registrar; Acting head of Conservation. B.A. (2000) University of Illinois; M.A. (2004) University of Leicester; Ph.D. (2009) University of Memphis. Research specialties: community-indicated collections practice, histories of documentation and collections practice, ethics of care and access. Contact:
Conservation supports long-term collections preservation and access by managing programs in conservation treatment, documentation, and research; providing preservation training and guidance on collections care; partnering with the Office of Facilities Engineering and Operations to monitor environmental conditions and managing collections disaster response.
Conservation Staff
Evans, Sunae Park. Sr. Costume Conservator. B.S., Sookmyung Women's University in Seoul, Korea; M.S., Clothing and Textiles focusing on construction and fashion history, Sookmyung Women's University in Seoul, Korea; M.S., with Clothing, Textiles, and Design focusing on textile science, history, and fashion, University of Nebraska at Lincoln; Ph.D., Clothing and Textiles focusing on preservation and cultural history at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Research specialties: fashion history, preventive care of costumes and textiles, exhibition preparation, custom made display form construction, rehousing support mechanisms and methods, Polyurethane degradation of puppet materials, and 18th-century costume construction and textiles. Contact:
Ellis, Janice S., Sr. Paper Conservator, B.S. (1983) Rutgers College; M.S. with Advanced Certificate in Conservation of Books and Archives (1991) Columbia University; Research specialties: Archive and library preservation and conservation, including: books, documents, art on paper, numismatics, philately, and photographic media. Contact:
McSweeney, Meredith.
Nolley, Scott. Contact:
Wallace, Dawn. Contact:
Archives Center
The Archives Center identifies, acquires, and preserves archival records in many media and formats to document America’s history and its diverse cultures. Center staff arrange, describe, preserve, and make collections accessible to support scholarship, exhibitions, publications, and education. The Archives Center supports the mission of the National Museum of American History by preserving and providing access to documentary evidence of America’s past. In addition to paper-based textual records, many Center collections contain photographs, motion picture films, videotapes, and sound recordings. The collections are particularly strong in the areas of technology, invention and innovation, advertising, and American music.
Research Staff
Haberstich, David E., Curator of Photography. B.F.A (1963) Rochester Institute of Technology; graduate study in art history (163-64) Indiana University; M.L.A. (1970) Johns Hopkins University. Research specialties: History of photographic art and technology; conservation of photographs; history of twentieth-century art, especially Dada, Futurism and Surrealism; history of documentary photography; history of Smithsonian photographic collections. Contact:
Oswald, Alison L., Archivist. B.A. (1989) St. Bonaventure University M.S. (1992) Ball State University M.L.S. (1994) State University of New York. Research specialties: American inventors and history of technology, science and health care related collections. Contact:
Robinson, Jr. Franklin, Archivist. B.F.A. (1981) The Catholic University of America, M.A. (1988) The American University. Research specialties: Popular culture, performing arts, agriculture, colonial Mid-Atlantic, LGBT. Contact:
Conservation Staff
Broussard Simmons, Vanessa. Museum Curator. Contact:
Affiliated Research Staff
Peterson, Kay. Rights & Reproductions Coordinator. Contact:
Digital Access and Archives
Digital Collections
The Digital Programs Office supports collections accountability and access by managing the museum’s collections information system (CIS); the digital asset management systems (DAMS); digitization projects and the collection of born digital content; and facilitating access to collections information via the Web.
Affiliated Research Staff
Berger, Sherri. Assistant Director, Office of Digital Access and Archives. Contact:
Cutler, Alicia. Digital Asset Manager. Contact:
Gialanella, Leigh. Digital Archivist. Contact:
Lemelson Center for Study of Invention and Innovation
The Lemelson Center engages, educates and empowers the public to participate in technological, economic and social change. The Center undertakes historical research, develops educational initiatives, creates exhibitions, and hosts public programming to advance new perspectives on invention and innovation and to foster interactions between the public and inventors.
Research Staff
Hintz, Eric S., Historian. B.S. (1996) University of Notre Dame; M. A. (2005), Ph.D. (2010) University of Pennsylvania. Research specialties: history of 19th and 20th-century science and technology; invention, innovation, and R&D; U.S. business and economic history; science, technology, and religion. Contact:
Affiliated Research Staff
Bedi, Joyce E., Senior Historian. B.A. (1977) Northeastern University; M.A. (1983) James Cook University. Research specialties: History of technology, invention, photography. Contact:
Molella, Arthur P., Emeritus. B.A. (1965) Syracuse University; M.A. (1968), Ph.D. (1972) Cornell University Hon DSc. Westminster University, London. Research specialties: Science, technology, and society in the U.S.; process of invention; technology and modernism; technology and urban planning. Contact:
Oswald, Alison L., Archivist. B.A. (1989) St. Bonaventure University M.S. (1992) Ball State University M.L.S. (1994) State University of New York. Research specialties: American inventors and history of technology, science and health care related collections. Contact:
Smithsonian Libraries and Archives (SLA) at NMAH
Dibner Library of the History of Science and Technology
The Dibner Library of the History of Science and Technology has major holdings of rare materials in the history of science and technology, with over 235,000 rare books primarily dating from the 135th to the 20th centuries. Established in 1976 as the first rare book library of the 201-branch Smithsonian Libraries and Archives system, the facility is located on the first floor of the Museum. The strengths of the Dibner Library’s collections are in the fields of mathematics, astronomy, classical natural philosophy, theoretical physics (up to the early twentieth century), experimental physics (especially electricity and magnetism), engineering, technology (from the Renaissance to the late nineteenth century), and scientific apparatus and instruments. The rare books include significant holdings of works by Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, Euclid, Carl Friedrich Gauss, Leonhard Euler, René Descartes, Pierre Simon, marquis de Laplace, Aristotle, and many others. Scientists represented by significant holdings in the more than 2,000 manuscript-group collection include Dominique François Arago, Humphry Davy, John William Lubbock, Isaac Newton, Henri Milne-Edwards, Hans Christian Ørsted, Henry Hureau de Sénarmont, Benjamin Silliman, Jr., and Silvanus P. Thompson. Other collections of note in the library include nearly 2,000 volumes on world’s fair and exposition materials, (ca. 1850-1920) and the scientific libraries of Alexander Graham Bell and Joseph Henry. More information about the Library and its collections can be found on its home page (
American History Branch, Smithsonian Institution Libraries
The National Museum of American History Library, part of the Smithsonian Libraries and Archives system, is a notable research library covering broad aspects of American social, cultural, political, economic, and technological history. The Library is available for use by researchers and fellows at the institution. The Library also encourages independent research projects by Smithsonian Fellows or Short-Term Visitors using one of the Library’s most remarkable collections: over 490,000 items of trade literature representing about 40,000 primarily American companies which describe and advertise products of American business, industry, agriculture, science, and the decorative arts. The collection includes advertising brochures, technical manuals for manufacturers and repair shops, instruction manuals for consumers, mail order catalogs, pattern and design books, price lists, parts lists, factory record books, and company histories. Another collection, the World’s Fairs and Expositions, is a collection of published international exposition and world’s fair materials, strongest in the period from the early fairs of the mid-nineteenth century up to the First World War. It is available both in a searchable database (available for use in the Library) and on microfilm housed in the Library. Projects could encompass the study of industrial development, consumer trends, marketing techniques, and social history. More information about the Library and its collections can be found on its home page (
Affiliated Research Staff
Brown, Katrina. Head Librarian. Contact: